From Coffeelover to Coffeelovers!
There was once a time when I enjoyed a cup of coffee every now and then in good company. In 2018, my job required me to focus more intensively on coffee, among other things, and suddenly a new world opened up for me with many exciting facets, stories and people.
Today I know that coffee is not just coffee (and sometimes I wish it was). Because for really good coffee, a certain amount of knowledge about coffee is important. And preparation also needs to be learnt in order to get the best out of a coffee bean.
I can't give a clear answer to the question of which is my favourite coffee or which country I prefer to grow it in. What I do have, however, is a clear idea of what characteristics a coffee should have for my taste. For example, I think transparency and traceability are very important, as they allow me to find out a lot of details about the coffee. This is also generally the case in the speciality coffee sector. Within this universe, I basically want to remain open and try out as much as possible. Every cup tells its own story and the flavour is a surprise every time.
I am very grateful for what I have been able to learn and experience in recent years and look forward to what is yet to come. With manubrews I want to make my contribution to the coffee community by sharing my experiences and coffee knowledge. Learn more about me in this blog.